C2SM Spack

Quick Start for Spack

It is recommended to read the entire documentation to get familiar with Spack. For those of you with lack of time or interest the following short manuals do the job as well.

Source Spack instance on Piz Daint

module load cray-python
source /project/g110/spack/user/daint/spack/share/spack/setup-env.sh

Source Spack instance on Tsa

module load python
source /project/g110/spack/user/tsa/spack/share/spack/setup-env.sh


In order install COSMO fetched from a GitHub repository, use spack installcosmo:

spack installcosmo cosmo@<version>%<compiler> +<variants>

The second option spack devbuildcosmo allows to build COSMO with a local source:

cd </path/to/package>
spack devbuildcosmo cosmo@<version>%<compiler> +<variants>


The commands below build COSMO with the C++ Dycore for the target GPU.

# on Tsa
spack installcosmo cosmo@org-master%pgi cosmo_target=gpu +cppdycore

# on Piz Daint
spack installcosmo cosmo@org-master%nvhpc cosmo_target=gpu +cppdycore


cd </path/to/package>
spack devbuildcosmo cosmo@dev-build%pgi cosmo_target=gpu +cppdycore


The commands below build COSMO without the C++ Dycore for the target CPU.

# on Tsa
spack installcosmo cosmo@org-master%pgi cosmo_target=cpu ~cppdycore

# on Piz Daint
spack installcosmo cosmo@org-master%nvhpc cosmo_target=cpu ~cppdycore


cd </path/to/package>
spack devbuildcosmo cosmo@dev-build%pgi cosmo_target=cpu ~cppdycore


In order to install int2lm fetched from a GitHub repository, use spack install:

spack install int2lm@<version>%<compiler> +<variants>

The second option spack dev-build allows to build int2lm with a local source:

cd </path/to/package>
spack dev-build int2lm@<version>%<compiler> +<variants>

Int2lm from C2SM-RCM

In order to build int2lm from the C2SM-RCM GitHub organization use the following command:

# on Tsa
spack install int2lm@c2sm-master%pgi

# on Piz Daint
spack install int2lm@c2sm-master%nvhpc

Int2lm from COSMO-ORG

In order to build int2lm from the COSMO-ORG GitHub organization use the following command:

# on Tsa
spack install int2lm@org-master%pgi pollen=False

# on Piz Daint
spack install int2lm@org-master%nvhpc pollen=False


In order to install icon fetched from a GitHub repository, use spack install:

spack install icon@<version>%<compiler> +<variants> #@nwp, @cscs, ...

The second option spack dev-build allows to build icon with a local source:

cd </path/to/package>
spack dev-build -i icon@dev-build%<compiler> +<variants>


In order to build a CPU icon binary from a local source

git clone --recursive git@gitlab.dkrz.de:icon/icon-cscs.git #icon-nwp, icon-aes, etc...
# alternatively just clone and use here 'git submodule update --init --recursive'
cd icon-cscs #icon-nwp, icon-aes, etc...
mkdir pgi_cpu
cd pgi_cpu
touch a_fake_file.f90 #spack doesn't want to build in empty folder...
spack dev-build -i -u build icon@dev-build%pgi config_dir=./.. icon_target=cpu # don't forget +eccodes if you want eccodes, add +skip-config to only do make


In order to build a GPU icon binary from a local source

git clone --recursive git@gitlab.dkrz.de:icon/icon-cscs.git #icon-nwp, icon-aes, etc...
# alternatively just clone and use here 'git submodule update --init --recursive'
cd icon-cscs #icon-nwp, icon-aes, etc...
mkdir pgi_gpu
cd pgi_gpu
touch a_fake_file.f90 #spack doesn't want to build in empty folder...
spack dev-build -i -u build icon@dev-build%pgi config_dir=./.. icon_target=gpu # don't forget +eccodes if you want eccodes, add +skip-config to only do make

Running ICON

Once built, experiments need to be configured for the current machine. Take the following steps

cd run
sbatch exp.mch_opr_r04b07_lhn_12.run

Accessing executables

As stated in the official spack documentation, “The simplest way to run a Spack binary is to find it and run it” as it is build with RPATH. In most cases there is no need to adjust the environment. In order to find the directory where a package was installed, use the spack location command like this:

spack location -i cosmo@dev-build%pgi cosmo_target=gpu +cppdycore


spack location -i int2lm@c2sm-master%nvhpc

Note that the package location is also given on the last log line of the install process. For cosmo you’ll find the executable, either cosmo_cpu or cosmo_gpu, under the bin subdirectory whereas the int2lm executable will be the bin file itself.

Running executables from Spack

In order to obtain a correct run-environment for any executable compiled by Spack, load the environment provided by Spack:

spack load package@<version>%<compiler> +<variants>